October 12, 2024 2024-10-12 12:10MEET THE APPOINTED PRINCIPAL OF MIPC

Prof. Zephanie RWAMAKUBA
Prof. Rwamakuba Zephanie holds Professorship in Accounting and Finance, PhD in Accounting and Finance, Doctorate in Christian Education, a Master’s degree in Business Administration majoring in Human Resources Management, a Bachelor degree in Accounting, and a Diploma in Bible Curriculum.
He has also followed Professional trainings in areas such as:
E – Commerce Capacity Building Training Courses, Association of Chartered of Certified Accountants (ACCA/CPA), International Institute of Certified Audit and Forensic Investigation Professionals (IICFIP), African Germany Entrepreneurship Academy (AGEA), Comprehensive Sexuality Education Curriculum organised by Rwanda Education Board, School Management, Strategic Planning, Certificate of pedagogy training of Trainers, and Youth Political Leadership.
Before his appointment as Principal, Prof. Zephanie Rwamakuba was Vice Principal in charge of Academics of Muhabura Integrated Polytechnic College (MIPC), International Dean at Rudolph Kwanue University(RKU), Faculties’ Senior Advisor of Grace International Bible University(GIBU) and he has served in various positions in Rwanda including as Human Resource Specialist, Chief Finance Officer of Sofa Consultancy, Auditing and Computerized Accounting Ltd (SOFA Ltd), Professor respectively at Grace International Bible University (GIBU) and Rudolph Kwanue University (RKU) in the faculties of Business Administration and Education, at INES-Ruhengeri in the department of Enterprise Management, as well as at Muhabura Integrated Polytechnic College and Community Integrated Polytechnic.
In these positions, he has effectively streamlines institutions processes and operations, which has resulted in improved efficiency in handling matters that affect the wellbeing of students and staff.
Through his career, Prof. Zephanie Rwamakuba has made significant contributions to teaching, research, and academic administration, played a crucial role in shaping the academic background of institutions he has served. He has guided many graduate students through the densities of academic project research, encouraging them to pursue unreservedly their passions.
He has offered various training and lectures in the field of Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Accounting for Financial Instruments, Financial Analysis and Valuation, Financial Accounting, Taxation, Advanced Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Financial Reporting, Corporate reporting and governance, Auditing and Assurance;
Financial Management, Performance Management, risk management, Computerized Accounting, Human Resources Management, Professional Ethics for Accountants, Business Ethics and Law, Educational management and other business related courses.
Prior, Prof. Zephanie Rwamakuba works as a Global Program Advisor at the Open Christian Ministries as well as financial consultant and Researcher with over ten years of progressive working experience in Organizational Development, Strategic management, Project cycle management, Poverty reduction strategies & approaches and Public Health Administration as well as Education sector.